The Furniture by Enric Miralles #Enric Miralles

In the architecture by Enric Miralles there is a part of playing, based on repetition and variation, which is clearly expressed in the furniture that he designed. Enric Miralles and Carme Pinós presented the Silla Sentada (Sitting Chair) in the Milan Furniture Fair 1988, while they were working in the Igualada Cemetery, for which they also designed a morgue table supported by a bicycle wheel. The Silla Sentada is the result of bringing together a set of dissimilar materials in a seemingly random way, rather a collage than a regular work of design.
The Ines-table Table, used in Miralles’s house at Mercader Street, was designed by Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue for an exhibition held in Grenoble in 1993 that displayed objects that represented their authors’ work philosophy. Curiously enough, the table was used for the panel meeting with the invited architects. The table, used by Miralles as a metaphor of his work, consists of several triangular boards that can be fold and change their position to suit the kind of work that is to be done on it, thus becoming a continuously changing landscape.
A table that explains a particular way of working where things are the main issue, where the inhabiting of a place is thoroughly prepared and where we play with the passing of time.Enric Miralles
Miralles and Tagliabue designed a movable item called Leulakaapi for a children playroom in Mollet del Vallés. As a puppet theatre, it can be open or closed, filled with toys or inhabited by the children. This piece of furniture, designed as a homage to Alvar Aalto, consists of a sequence of sinuous shelves and drawers which have been displaced and overlapped.