New Bouet Restaurant

The new Bouet Restaurant, designed by Ramon Esteve, is created with a view to maintaining the casual but first-rate spirit that ranked the restaurant among the most renowned ones of Valencia. A proper casualness in the manners, the premises and the cuisine, with the soul of the ancient cities that now are really young.

The restaurant is located in the Germanías Avenue, between Ruzafa and the railway station, in surrounded by residential buildings with emblematic façades of historical value.

 Bouet reivindica la gastronomía como experiencia hedonista y sensorial. Emociones e ideas que no solo se manifiestan a través de la cocina, sino también mediante el espacio y el tratamiento. Un lugar donde la sofisticación y la informalidad conviven de manera natural con un único objeto: el concepto de la gastronomía como cultura y filosofía de vida.

Descubre el proyectoThe new Bouet defends gastronomy as a hedonistic and sensorial experience. Feelings and ideas are not only transmitted by their cuisine, but also by their premises and manners. A place were sophistication and casualness come together naturally with only one aim: the idea of gastronomy as culture and a way of life.

Discover the project


RE_Bouet Restaurant ©AlfonsoCalza (04)